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Land Cost Share Programs North CarolinaNorth Carolina is a beautiful state, arguably the most beautiful in the southeast. With a wide variety of ecosystems and microclimates, our state is full of incredible, diverse forests across several watersheds. 

To protect our beautiful state, North Carolina has implemented several cost-sharing programs through the Department of Ag by way of Soil and Water conservation, as well as the North Carolina Forest Service. 

Due to how logging and agriculture can affect the land and the watersheds, it is important to put plans into place to maintain/improve water quality, as well as prep land post timber harvest to regenerate a healthy forest. 

What Is Cost Share?

Cost-share assistance programs are used to incentivize goals that North Carolina’s department of agriculture and Forest Service are looking to reach. Sometimes these goals may be purely environmentally driven, such as the Agriculture Cost Share program. In other cases, these programs push for productivity across nonindustrial private forests. 

These programs typically assist in covering costs that come up when improving lands, such as hiring contractors, legal fees, and any other costs that may be incurred. 

Current Available North Carolina Cost Share Programs

There are several state and federal cost-share programs available to landowners regarding both agriculture as well as forestry. Some of these programs include:

  • Agriculture Cost Share Program (Soil and Water Conservation) - This program incentivizes water quality improvement in streams, creeks, and rivers that border agricultural land by using best management practices to keep pollution out.
  • Prescribed Burning - The NC Forest Service funds roughly one million dollars worth of prescribed burning every year. This can be used to burn property for hazard reduction, create wildlife habitats, and prep for forest regeneration.
  • Federal Programs - There are several Federal programs that fund projects to help sustain the vital role of nonindustrial forested land. These can be anything from the Forestry Incentive Program, the Stewardship Incentives Program, etc. By funding these cost-sharing programs, the federal government can ensure productivity on land while also addressing environmental concerns.

Church & Church And Land Cost Share Programs

Church and Church, a family-owned company, serves much of North Carolina and the neighboring areas. From logging and forest management to direct lumber sales, we offer a wide range of services, and in some cases, we can assist in securing funding from available cost-share programs. 

One of our key objectives is to assist landowners in getting the most out of their investment while also considering the environment.

Contact Church & Church today for more information about how we can help you better manage your land by utilizing cost-share programs.