Specific job duties include:
- Responsible for the strategic plan of his area.
- Analyze problems to see how specialized machinery works more efficiently.
- Supervise the maintenance schedule according to the manufacturer's regulations.
- Design or redesign devices, from specialized machinery, truckload computers, or mechanical and thermal subsystems, using computer-aided design and analysis.
- Investigate equipment failures or difficulties to diagnose faulty operation and recommend solutions.
- Develop and test prototypes of devices they design.
- Analyze test results and change design or system as needed.
- Supervise the process where machines with motors or controlled by computers intervene to seek its efficiency and improve its performance.
- Discuss the changes with co-workers, supervisors in the design of a process where machines are
involved. - Supervise the personnel who manage or control machines, who follow the processes to have the greatest efficiency of the equipment to deliver quality products.
Degree and experience required:
Engineer possession of (a) theoretical knowledge of engineering, and the ability to solve practical problems in this discipline and apply principles of this discipline to basic and applied research. Mechanical engineers research, design, develop, build, and test mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines, and machines.
The requirement is to have an engineering degree and have experience in a field of specialty related with engineering.