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Our area is known as one of the most beautiful places in the South. The rolling foothills present residents and visitors with views of the Blue Ridge Mountains and surrounding valleys. Rivers like the Yadkin, Roaring River, Catawba, and Ararat carve spectacular paths through the region, supplying some of the best trout fishing in the state. 

We have an abundance of activities available for adventure-seeking to enjoy, including:

The great outdoors is an integral part of life here in the foothills and mountains of the Carolinas and Virginia. Since people settled in this area in the Eighteenth, they have enjoyed the incredible beauty and abundant natural resources. 

We have lived with the land and depended on it for our economic success. From harvesting timber to adventure tourism, we are intricately tied to nature. 

We depend on the hills, valleys, waterways, and forests that make this area so special. It is vital to make sure we are doing everything we can to ensure our beautiful area stays that way. No one wants to think that we could lose the resources we love so much.

From the Outer Banks to the Tennessee border, North Carolina is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Home to the tallest mountains east of the Mississippi River, long-winding rivers traversing beautiful landscapes, and hundreds of miles of pristine coastline, the Great North State is full of wonders that entice people to explore every inch of our area. 

One of the wonders people enjoy most about North Carolina is the forests. Pisgah National Forest alone encompasses over half of a million acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains. At one point, virtually the entire state was covered by trees. 

The secret is out about how great it is to live here. We have long been one of the fastest-growing states in the country. The forests of the piedmont and foothills have contributed to countless homes and buildings in our rapidly growing communities. 

While some may not like the thought of cutting trees, there are actually many benefits to harvesting forests. In this article, we are helping answer whether or not logging is bad for the environment.

It is widely accepted that one of the best investments you can make is in real estate. Owning property is key to expanding your portfolio and providing for your future. But here in the foothills and piedmont, having your own land is about more than financial security; it’s about tradition, nature, beauty, and family. 

Whether you have land that has been in your family for generations or you have recently found your slice of heaven-on-earth, you know how important it is to keep what you have. Of course, property maintenance, fees, and taxes can add up and make ownership challenging. 

One of the ways to ensure you can help offset the costs of maintaining your property and even potentially profit from it is harvesting timber. Timing is the key to getting the most out of cutting timber. Many assume that the goal is to wait as long as possible before selling your trees, but that may not be the case

In this article, we are helping landowners better understand how long they should wait before cutting timber.