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Is Logging Bad for the Environment?

Is Logging Bad for the Environment?

Friday, January 20, 2023

From the Outer Banks to the Tennessee border, North Carolina is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Home to the tallest mountains east of the Mississippi River, long-winding rivers traversing beautiful landscapes, and hundreds of miles of pristine coastline, the Great North State is full of wonders that entice people to explore every inch of our area. 

One of the wonders people enjoy most about North Carolina is the forests. Pisgah National Forest alone encompasses over half of a million acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains. At one point, virtually the entire state was covered by trees. 

The secret is out about how great it is to live here. We have long been one of the fastest-growing states in the country. The forests of the piedmont and foothills have contributed to countless homes and buildings in our rapidly growing communities. 

While some may not like the thought of cutting trees, there are actually many benefits to harvesting forests. In this article, we are helping answer whether or not logging is bad for the environment.


What is Logging?

Logging is the process of felling (cutting down) trees as part of a timber harvest. Logs for sawmills and pulpwood for the pulp and paper industry are among the raw materials obtained for the wood products sector. Logging can also be used to remove timber in order to achieve forest management goals.

Cutting, skidding, and loading trees or logs into trucks are all part of the logging process. In logging operations, a skidder or bulldozer is frequently employed to lift trees that have already been cut and transfer them from the cutting area to a landing.

Logging can drastically change the aesthetics of a property, explaining in part why the process is controversial. However, that does not mean that the process harms the environment. 

Can Logging Be Good for the Environment?

There are benefits to logging when done in the context of effective forestry management. Of course, when cutting trees is done improperly, there can be negative impacts. 

Per Sciencing: “If managed improperly, logging can have serious environmental impacts. Logging potentially removes habitat for birds and other wildlife that use trees for cover, nesting habitat, or food.” 

No one wants to think that their timber harvest could displace animals or hurt the environment. One of the ways you can ensure cutting trees is not doing more harm than good is to practice proper forestry management.

What Is Forestry Management?

According to the North Carolina Forestry Association, forestry management is, “The art and science of managing forests to produce various products and benefits including timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity, and recreation.”

If you have land in North Carolina, you need to engage in proper forestry management, especially if you own more than ten acres. Done properly, in conjunction with a well-executed plan, harvesting timber can have environmental benefits. 

How Timber Harvesting Can Positively Impact the Environment

Some of the benefits of logging in conjunction with an effective forestry management plan include:

  • Logging can actually restore the health of a forest. 
  • Removal of trees can allow other plant life to grow and flourish. 
  • Harvesting timber can result in the removal of non-native and invasive plant life. 
  • Removal of forest debris can reduce the risk of destructive forest fires. 
  • Removing unhealthy or dead trees that are hazardous during windstorms.
  • Minimizes the competition among trees in a forest. 
  • Some trees and forests take in more carbon and produce more oxygen when they are younger. 

One of the goals of effective forestry is to make way for new growth. Of course, logging involves cutting timber, but you’re going to replace what you’ve harvested with new trees. 

A professional forester will be able to advise you on the best types of trees to plan on your specific property. They will be able to help ensure you get the most out of your timber harvesting and new growth. 

Church and Church can help property owners ensure their logging and forestry management are done in a way that helps the environment. Every land management project is distinct from the others. We want to assist you in achieving your land and property goals. 

We put in the work to make sure we help you get the outcomes you want for your property. We provide personalized forest management solutions for your land with transparency, knowledge, consultation, and direction. 

We want you to be well-informed and aware of the solutions available to you, in order to achieve your forest management objectives.

If you have over ten acres of property and want to make sure it is properly managed, reach out to the team at Church and Church. We have the experience and expertise to help you get the most out of your land in beautiful North Carolina.